¶ June 6th, 2022 Open Infrastructure Foundation Board of Directors Meeting
The Open Infrastructure Foundation Board of Directors will meet on June 6th, 2022 in Berlin at 9 AM to 5 PM local time (UTC+2) / 0700-1500 UTC.
This will be an in-person meeting. Directors may participate in the formal portion of the meeting by conference dial-in. Audio from the formal meeting will also be available to the community. After the initial formal board meeting, the Directors and any interested attendees will break into smaller groups to discuss strategic topics of interest, which will then be summarized prior to the end of the meeting.
This exercise will help us identify directions, consensuses, and interested participants for next steps.
Directors and foundation staff are anticipated to attend in person, no RSVP is required.
Non-directors/community members who wish to attend must fill out an RSVP no later than Wednesday June 1st, 2022. This is because attendees must be pre-registered with the host facility's security. As space is limited, this will be first come, first serve.
Photo ID will be required to gain entry to the building.
¶ Location, Directions, and Access Protocol - Updated May 30th, 2022
Deutsche Telekom Winterfeldstraße 21 10187 Berlin
Access to the conference room will start at 8:30 AM Local time.
Next subway station: U Nollendorfplatz (5min walk)
Take the actual pedestrian entrance, not one of the driveways
They plan to place an OpenStack flag (sorry, not OpenInfra yet) in front of the door.
A photo ID will be required by security and you should anticipate being escorted to the meeting room.
The meeting will be in room NW7.074 on the 7th floor.
Update: June 6th, 2022 is a Holiday. We have been warned not to expect public transportation to run on the same schedule as a normal work day. Please plan ahead accordingly.
Wearing a medical grade or FFP2/KN95 grade mask is mandatory unless a spacing of 1.5 meters can be guaranteed. In practical terms, this means wearing a mask at all times when inside the building unless we are seated at the board meeting table or during refreshment breaks.
Update: Please be mindful that some attendees need to undergo COVID testing before they can return home, and as such we will require all attendees to wear a mask when possible during the meeting.
In-person speakers will be expected to wear a mask when presenting to the Board.
Proof of vaccination will be required for Board Members to received their event badges. Board member who wish to receive their conference badge during the meeting may email “allison (at) openinfra.dev” by Saturday, June 4th with appropriate proof of vaccination.
Video conference: https://zoom.us/j/96201224963 International dial-in (audio only): https://zoom.us/zoomconference (conference ID #962 0122 4963) To join the session by phone only: +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) Meeting ID: 962 0122 4963
Initially, before Lunch, we will set a stage for our strategic discussions by asking a single question among the attendees and allow the discussion to progress from there. We will then break for Lunch, and we encourage attendees to continue discussing Ideas.
What are technology areas where we can plant seeds, incubate, and build specific relationships in the interest of Open Infrastructure?
¶ (1:00 PM) Informal Strategic Discussions - Breakout Groups
The attendees of the meeting will be discussing strategic topics as previously discussed and identified. More information from prior discussion can be found on the Etherpad for brainstorming.
The process will be for the attendees to break into a number of distinct groups, and for the participants to discuss, capture thoughts, feedback, ideas, and then convey it back to the entire group. After which, before departing, attendees will be given an opportunity to review and apply +1's to items which resonate to them, and express any interest in participation.
In breaking into groups, we have some general themes and statements suggested below that we would like attendees to form into groups based upon resonance of the specific area. This does not mean the group is restricted to these topics, but more as a suggested common point for participants to start from.
We mainly focus on and discuss Development, but Operators are our users.
How do we encourage or set a stage for collaboration?
How do we make the feedback loop easier so operators can see fixes in reasonable time, and not be forced to carry local patches and workaround to address issues?
i.e. How do we work to help operators have lower operating costs and not carry too much technical debt.
This disconnect raises concerns over continuity and mutual understanding where we are in an ever changing world.
i.e. Conflicts or governments disagreeing may have rippling impact, and how can that be softened or handled?
Are there potential collaboration or integration points? How do we encourage identification and sharing of opportunity?
How do we spread the word of our communities successes? Uses? Potential?
How do we reveal the hidden usage?
In other words, with the movement of technology to commodity or critical infrastructure, incentive disappears for it to be spoken of or highlighted. Is there a way to build better understanding of, and encourage context sharing?
How do we support key community features? Can we help the community broadcast?
Can we broadcast outward or help raise awareness? Are there avenues which we are not using or are under utilizing?
Each group will have approximately five minutes to present highlights. As such, a single speaker should be chosen to represent the group.
Attendees will then have an opportunity to review/provide relevance/feedback to thoughts/ideas through post-it notes, as well as leave their email addresses for specific threads of interest.